DJI DROPSAFE Drop Speed Reduction System
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Speed Reduction Parachute System
As the name suggests DJI DROPSAFE designed to slow the speed of your UAV platform in the event of an emergency. The device deploys in less than half a second, and is effective at a minimum altitude of 6 meters. DJI DROPSAFE parachute system not only adds a high level of protection, The reusable design weighs less than 550g, adding very little weight to your flight payload.
The DropSafe has both electrical and mechanical safety mechanisms to ensure there is never any accidental deployment.
Electrical Safety: The electrical safety prevents the DropSafe from deploying within 9 seconds of the system being powered on.
Mechanical Safety: A removable safety pin prevents the triggering pins from making contact with the firing mechanism. Users must remove the safety pin before the first flight, and may choose to replace the safety pin after each flight.
The DJI Dropsafe is designed to reduce the drop speed of your flght platform. There is no guarantee that it will protect your equipment, prevent injury, or prevent property damage.
CO2 canisters are required and not included with the DJI Dropsafe. DJI assumes no liability for or damages or injuries incurred directly or indirectly from using CO2 canisters improperly or using CO2 canisters that don't meet safety requirements or standards.