Please note that listed availability might not be applicable for multiple copies of an item, and that sudden demand for an item can have an effect on its availability. We will inform you by phone or e-mail if any items in your order prove to be unavailable.
Shipping times are calculated from the time your merchandise leaves the Hobbytech warehouse. Packages are usually shipped from our warehouse within 3 days of your order. This would be delayed if an order were placed over the weekend or on a holiday. Please make your arrangements accordingly.
Notify us immediately (preferably by Email) about the damage or loss and we will start the claim process. You will then be advised of the status of your claim.
In case a incorrect item been sent with your order, notify us immediately upon receipt, We will resolve it on a case by case basis.
We backorder out-of-stock merchandise whenever possible unless you specify that you do not want an item backordered. Certain sale merchandise, products with uncertain availability, discontinued items may not be backordered. On occasion we may run out-of-stock on an item while we are waiting for your payment, in this case, we will whip you the rest of your order unless you note otherwise, We only charge our shipping charge once per order and will not charge you twice for orders containing backorders. We will only ship back orders via an "express" ship method at the customer's request and cost. Backorders shipped at our expense will be shipped via the most economical shipper. You may cancel your backorders at any time prior to the order being packed up for shipping.
Any outstanding balance dues will be applied to your next order or will be refunded.
We accept no responsibility for crash damage and/or loss of kits, engines, accessories, etc. It is difficult or impossible to determine for certain whether crash damage was due to radio system failure or operator error. Electrical polarity must be properly observed in hooking up electrical components. Current limits must be observed with batteries, speed controllers, and electric motors. Hobbytech accepts no responsibility for any purchased components that are incorporated into radio systems or problems caused by incompatibility between radio components, parts etc.
International radio frequency and electric current requirements are the responsibility of the buyer.
Our liability for all products is imited to the sale price of the product.
We do not share , rent, or sell your private information to any other company or individual. All your personal information will solely used for HobbyTech to offer a better service to you.
All prices, pictures and descriptions on this site and all other HobbyTech publications are subject to change without notice. HobbyTech maintains no responsibility for inadvertent errors. In the event of typographical errors on our site or in our publications, HobbyTech reserves the right to cancel or refuse orders at its sole discretion. Please contact us within 30 days regarding price or promotion discrepancies.